Real Benefits Of Laser Therapy on the Outer Banks
Extremely safe and effective, laser therapy accelerates pain relief and healing, making it a perfect complement to the high quality care you receive at Clearview Chiropractic Wellness Center. We are very pleased to be the only Chiropractic Wellness Center on the Outer Banks to offer state-of-the-art Laser Therapy to our patients.
“Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses light to stimulate cells and increase blood circulation. At the correct laser wavelength, pain signals are reduced and nerve sensitivity decreases. The procedure also releases endorphins, or natural painkillers. Cold laser therapy is based on the idea light is absorbed into the cells which stimulates protein synthesis and cell metabolism, which improves cell health and function.”
Important facts about Laser Therapy:
- FDA approved
- most advanced, non invasive pain relief and healing technology available
- is drug free, pain free treatment
- controls inflammation
- increases joint mobility
- is used in 30 countries

Is Laser Therapy right for you?

This therapy is used in 3,000 + hospitals, 4,000+ supportive clinical studies, 10,000+ private practices. Laser Therapy has been shown to effectively treat hundreds of conditions, including:
- sprain/strain injuries
- mechanical back pain
- sciatica
- neck pain
- tendonitis
- frozen shoulder
- arthritis pain
- plantar fasciitis
- contusions
- disc herniation
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- knee joint injuries
If you're considering Chiropractic care for the first time, or looking for a qualified professional in the Outer Banks to answer your questions, Dr. Titus will gladly schedule a consultation for you free of charge.
The entire staff of Clearview Wellness along with Dr. Casey Titus is proud to be a part of your journey towards a healthy life.